Mr Mark Corominas-Casey
I lead the PGCE Mathematics course, having recently joined the School of Education after working in secondary school for nearly twenty years.
As a subject teacher, I have always been keen to develop pupils’ positive attitude to Mathematics, linking topics with their real-life experiences and local environment. This is enhanced by the exciting new opportunities to improve students’ engagement and performance; I have particular interest in exploring new pedagogies such as ‘Flipped learning’.
Over the last nine years, I undertook extra responsibility as Head of Year which has given me an insight into the Pastoral aspect of school life, dealing with safeguarding, alternative provision, Social Care and the work of the Youth Offending Team.
Whether from an academic or pastoral perspective, I always work to promote school life as a positive and rewarding experience for young people.
I also have experience of school governance, having worked with schools in both the Primary and Secondary sectors.