Life solved Logo with introduction title: How close are we to a global plastics treaty?

In this episode will unpack what was agreed at INC-2, look at the roadmap ahead, and give an insight into the upcoming PlasticsFuture 2023 conference.

19 min Listen

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How close are we to seeing a global plastics treaty?

Last week countries gathered for the second Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee meeting to bring them a step closer to signing a legally-binding agreement to end plastic pollution.

Professor Steve Fletcher and Antaya March from the ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú’s Global Plastics Policy Centre were at INC-2 in Paris, presenting the centre’s findings and research.

Today’s Life Solved episode will unpack what was agreed, look at the roadmap ahead, and give an insight into the upcoming PlasticsFuture 2023 conference.



Professor Steve Fletcher: /about-us/structure-and-governance/our-people/our-staff/steve-fletcher

Antaya March: /about-us/structure-and-governance/our-people/our-staff/antaya-march

Revolution Plastics: /news-events-and-blogs/events/the-revolution-continues

PlasticsFuture 2023 Conference: /news-events-and-blogs/events/plasticsfuture-2023/plasticsfuture-2023-conference-programme

Global Plastics Police Centre: 


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The latest series of the Life Solved podcast explores subjects such as policing, plastics, a zombie apocalypse, ivory crime, jazz, and ethical true crime.