Person standing in front of screens showing financial data

Corporate finance research

Explore our research into corporate finance

Corporate finance is divided into 3 interconnected strands: the raising of finance by a corporation, the making of investment decisions, and the distribution of profit from those decisions. The common thread running through each – and through our research in the topic – is that capital should be allocated efficiently, and not wasted.

Among our many projects, we're exploring how small businesses can benefit from relationship banking. We're also studying how firms can reduce the underpricing of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) by making financial contributions by either political lobbying or campaign financing, and examining how the performance of an IPO is impacted by the strength of the human capital in a firm's top management. 

Our research covers the following key topics

  • The role of political connections with IPOs in addition to the role of underwriters, auditors and venture capitalists
  • The role of credit ratings in capital markets
  • Mergers and acquisitions, and related topics
  • The dividend policy of a firm and its effect on the firm’s value
  • Borrowing from banks or raising equity through the stock markets
  • Choosing between competing projects
  • Allocating profits between share dividends or retaining and reinvesting profits


We use mainly quantitative methods in our Corporate Finance research, primarily in the form of multivariate regressions.

Project highlights

  • — Investigating the mechanisms from which financial technologies (Fintech) facilitate Ukraine's economic development and welfare when taking the period of Russia's invasion as the observing window.

Discover our areas of expertise

Corporate finance is one of 3 areas of expertise in our Finance research – explore the others below.

Banking and financial markets

Our banking and financial markets research examines the functioning of financial markets and the institutions that operate in those markets.
City of London skyline, banking district
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Fintech and microfinance

We're investigating the technologies changing the financial sector (FinTech) and the upstart financial services (Microfinance) challenging the status quo of traditional banking.
Finance meeting at a start-up
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Interested in a PhD in Finance?

Browse our postgraduate research degrees – including PhDs and MPhils – at our Finance postgraduate research degrees page.