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Monetary Policy research

Explore our research in monetary policy, one of our 4 areas of expertise in Economics

Monetary policy is a central bank's actions to influence how much money is in the economy and how much it costs to borrow, with the aim of keeping inflation low and stable. Since the financial crisis of 2007 and 2008, central banks around the world have taken extreme monetary policy measures to recover the pre-crash dynamism of their economies.

Our research focuses on how to assess the impacts of monetary policy measures on and via the financial markets, and on indicators in the economy. Additionally, it examines related fields that belong to the category of macroeconometrics.

Our research covers the following topics

  • Decision-making on stock and housing market regimes
  • How stock and oil markets are affected by uncertainty about macroeconomic policy
  • Central banks’ economic and institutional characteristics
  • The correlation between monetary policy and economic growth
  • The interaction between central banks and the financial market
  • Design and instruments of monetary policy


Our research includes a variety of cutting edge techniques from the area of applied macroeconometrics and financial econometrics.

Funders and publications

Our research has been funded by the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation and the Toshiba International Foundation, and published in the Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money; Economics Letters; Journal of Economic Issues; Journal of Macroeconomics; European Journal of Finance; and the International Review of Financial Analysis.

Publication highlights

  • Chatziantoniou, I., Filis, G., & Floros, C. (2017). Global Finance Journal, volume 32, pages 97-112.

  • Mahadeo, S.M.R., Heinlein, R. & Legrenzi, G. (2022). The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 60, p. 101629.

  • Chortareas, G., Magkonis, G. & Zekente, K.-M. (2020). International Review of Financial Analysis, 67, p. 101421.

  • Stenfors, A., & Susai, M. (2018). Journal of Economic Issues, volume 52(2), pages 387-395.

  • Arestis, P., Chortareas, G., Magkonis, G., & Moschos, D. (2014). Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, volume 31, pages 285-295.

  • Magkonis, G., & Zekente, K-M. (2020). Journal of Macroeconomics, volume 65.

  • Oh, E.Y. & Zhang, S. (2022). Economic Inquiry, 60(4), pages 1520–1539.

  • Stenfors, A. (2018). Journal of Securities Operations & Custody, volume 11(1).

  • Heinlein, R. and Mahadeo, S.M. (2023). Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique, 56(1), pp. 247–287.

  • Chortareas, G., Logothetis, V., Magkonis, G., & Zekente, K. (2016). Economics Letters, volume 140, pages 11-13.


We are pleased to announce that subject group of Economics & Finance will host the 54th MMF conference in September 2023.

Discover our areas of expertise

Monetary policy is 1 of our 4 areas of expertise in our Economics research area – explore the others below.

Resource Economics and Environmental Policy

We examine how economics influences the preservation and sustainability of natural resources such as aquatic ecosystems.

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Behavioural and Experimental Economics

We investigate how psychological, emotional and social factors affect economic decision-making.

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Efficiency and Productivity

Through our research in this area, we're identifying inefficiency and its causes in specific sectors.

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Research groups

Unconventional Petroleum Reservoirs Analysis Recovery Risk-Uncertainty and Economics Research Group

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Our members

Georgios Magkonis Portrait

Media ready expert

Dr Georgios Magkonis

Senior Lecturer

Economics and Finance

Faculty of Business and Law

PhD Supervisor

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Alexis Stenfors Portrait

Media ready expert

Dr Alexis Stenfors

Associate Professor in Economics and Finance

Economics and Finance

Faculty of Business and Law

PhD Supervisor

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Konstantinos Vergos Portrait

Dr Konstantinos Vergos

Senior Lecturer

School of Accounting, Economics and Finance

Faculty of Business and Law

PhD Supervisor

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