Supporting your next steps
Thinking about life beyond year 11? In your last year of secondary school, it's normal to feel a bit of pressure about what do next. But we can help.
There are many exciting opportunities waiting for you at post-16, even if you're undecided about going to uni one day. Here in the School Leavers' Hub, you'll find advice on pathways, study skills, choosing subjects and life at university.
Sign in below. Explore your options, then choose what's right for your future.
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What can you find in the School Leavers' Hub?
Take control of your future
If you're looking for some extra help with planning your next steps at post-16, look no further than the School Leavers' Hub.
Video showing what you can access when you register for our School Leavers' Hub – tips to decide your next steps, advice and support, career guidance and what student life is really like. No dialogue.